A message from PAI’s founder, Jim Lester:
It’s hard to believe but it was 20 years ago (on April 1, 2003) that I founded Professional Analysis, Incorporated (PAI). My goal was to build a business that took care of its customers and employees and provided genuine value to everyone involved. Our first contract was not large or for very long! It was a two person 6 month task order working on site in the Washington Navy Yard. Assisted by some great people – many of whom have been with us for years - we now have 400 logisticians, analysts, and program management specialists providing outstanding support to our Navy, Marine Corps and DLA customers around the world. I am both proud of our employees and grateful to our wonderful customers for allowing us to assist them in their important and complex work.
PAI’s future looks bright. We are fortunate to have outstanding leaders throughout the company and many hard-working talented people keeping our customers happy every day. We look forward to continuing to provide superior support to our customers for the next 20 years, continuing our growth trajectory and in so doing provide ever expanding opportunities for our current and future employees!