News / In The Media
December 15, 2006
Professional Analysis, Incorporated was awarded a 5 year, GSA Logistics Worldwide (Logworld) contract. Under this contract vehicle PAI can provide the following services to our customers: inventory management, warehousing, transportation logistics, training, acquisition logistics and the operation and maintenance of logistics infrastructures.
June 1, 2006
PAI is proud to have been awarded an original Seaport Enhanced Multiple Award Contract (MAC) (N00178-04-D-4075) in April 2004. More recently, in June 2006, we successfully added two more zones to this contract via a Seaport Enhanced Expanded solicitation. As a result we are now available through the Seaport Enhanced contract in six zones. These include: Northeast Zone (Zone 1), National Capital (Zone 2), Mid Atlantic (Zone 3), Gulf Coast (Zone 4), Midwest (Zone 5), and Southwest (Zone 6).
December 13, 2005
Professional Analysis, Inc. was awarded a 5 year, $8,985,722 task order under the Seaport Enhanced contract. This task order is to provide logistics, engineering and program/budget, and financial management assistance to the Naval Facilities Engineering Command’s Sealift Support Program Office.